Friday, July 27, 2007

But I saved 5 Bucks!


I'm sure laundry does not have a fan club. I hate it. It can prove to be quite difficult out here on the road.

As I mentioned before, we can't quite afford the prices most hotels get for the simple act of ensuring we don't stink. Sometimes our apartment will have a washer. Sometimes I need to find a local laundry. And, sometimes I need to load it all up in a bag and drag it to the laundromat.

Which is what I did this morning.

The boys have all been, so I pretty much knew the routine, I thought. 12 Shekels to wash, 1 Shekel for three minutes of dry time. Bought my detergent and was ready with a pocket full of change.

Except the machines only take the one Shekel coins. Oops. I had enough to get the wash started, but now I was in search of one Shekel coins.

ME (to guy sitting out front doing his laundry): Hey, do you know the best place to get some change?

HIM: Dude, you are sooooo screwed. I had to walk six blocks to get Shekels. From a guy with his face all pierced watching a hip-hop video.

ME: What? Really? Shit!

HIM: I may be able to set you up with some. . .

ME: Great. I think I only need 5 or so.

HIM: Maybe we can just dry our clothes together.

ME (Thinking this sounds a little strange): Maybe I'll just go find some Shekels.

Found Shekels, drying crisis averted, laundry done in 1.25 hours.

Total price for laundry: 20 Shekels.

What I paid last week to drop it off and pick it up the next day: 40 Shekels.

What I will be doing the next time laundry needs to be done: I wonder. . . NOT!

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